This is the 3rd time for me to watch Mayday's concert in Hong Kong. I tried not to have much expectations this time coz I know how expectations can let you down last year. This time, is like going back to the concert I saw for the very first time - similar seats, similar songs, sincere energy and power. I'm now feeling "post-concert depression". That's not good, haha.
This is the first time I go to a Mayday concert with my Taiwanese friend Vicky. I met her a little bit after that first concert in Hong Kong coz then I went to Taipei to see another Mayday's concert. I met some more Mayday fans after that, but I'm more close to Vicky coz we can really be friends and share our lives. Most people prefer separating their "fandom" life with their personal life, I don't get it. I prefer being real friends with people who share the same interest.
We met each other at the airport (the arena is right next to the airport) then we grabbed dinner. We kept gossiping and got to the arena a bit late. Then I went to buy StayReal T-shirt. Really beautiful but expensive T-shirt. ~_~ Anyway, we went in and our seats are very close to the side of the stage. So we can't really see the screen. But I don't mind coz I can see every member clearly.
Even though Mayday use a new tour name - Down to Earth - the beginning and the end are the same. I watched that opening movie for more than 4 times (I went to 4 JUMP concerts already) so I just kept talking to Vicky. It's annoying to hear girlie fans screaming loudly when Ashin's on the screen almost every single time. I hate people treating a rock band as an idol. That's a whole other story.
The concert was not as cohesive as the last one, but I do like this one better. Coz I don't want to care about themes and gimmick you know. What really matters is music. That's it. Some people have problem with the not-too-cohesive thing, I actually love it. They sang a lot of older songs that I haven't hear them live for 2 years. And many of them are my favorites: 愛情萬歲, 生活, 叫我第一名, 愛情的模樣, 恒星的恒心 etc. And they sang some new songs too. I always thought that Mayday would prefer 擁抱 than 溫柔 but this time they only sang 溫柔. 溫柔 is THE song that made me fall in love with Mayday. I heard that really dramatic version 溫柔(還我自由版) on the very first Mayday concert I saw 2 years ago. And then I realized that that's what I love about music. I love the randomness. Music should not be too choreographed.
There are so many spur the moment thing on this concert too. Or maybe I haven't seen Mayday's concert for more than 6 months, so I don't know their new tracks. But there are so so many interaction between the audience and the band. That's why Mayday concerts are still the best concerts in Asia. For example, towards the end of the concert, the camera shot some signs written "We're not going home". Coz usually after the encore session, most audience will stay there they are and yell out "encore" again for at least 30 mins. So this year, there are signs written like this, telling Mayday that we're not going anywhere. But the thing is, the concert was not finished. And the lead singer Ashin saw that, and said "You are not going home? Do you have a blanket to sleep here?" Then he turned around and took out a real blanket from the bass drum (drummers will usually put some blankets or teddy bear to create the rounded sound of bass drum) and lay it down on the floor. And then he lies on top of it and started reading the thanking list. Then he said, "I'll read the thanking list like this because that's the most respect gesture for me to thank those people". But then he felt embarrassed and stood up. Hahaha. Why put yourself into that, Ashin? That's so funny.
All I want to say is, I fell in love with Mayday all over again.
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