I can start updating more finally. I'm not really sure whether people will come and actually read my blog. I guess I can't worry about that.
I can't stop wondering, the relationship between a celebrity (idol) and a fan is probably the most awkward and weird relationship in the entire world. Coz basically they are complete strangers, even from different side of the world. But yet the fan knows so much about the celebrity and the level of love is high. They will have all kinds of expectations and imaginations of the celebrity. Those unrealistic expectations and imaginations can crash both the fan and the celebrity.
I'm a fan for many many years now. And I went through all stages of being a fan. Sometimes, it's rational and reasonable; and sometimes, it's passionate and obsessive. I can be a kind of fan that just buy albums and go to concerts but never care what going on in the life of the celebrity. I don't even want to know the aesthetic behind all those wonderful music. But lately, I'm crazily in love with Sean Faris. I'm so obsessive up to a point that I think he's the ONE for me. He's cute and sexy. He's mature and playful. He got big pretty eyes and really sweet smile. And astrologically, we're perfect for each other. It's hard enough to find an Aries but an Aries at the moon position? That's just mission impossible. And even if I could find a person who shares the same birthday as Sean, the geological difference changes the moon sign.
But I understand the fact that I can imagine everything with Sean, but I can't have any expectations toward him in reality. It's not fair to him. So I'm trying to keep everything to myself. Well, I can't stop talking about him enough. Hahaha.
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